Imagine walking into your favourite coffee shop, and the barista greets you with a warm smile and says, “Hey, I’ve got your usual hot chocolate ready!” It’s a small gesture that makes a big difference in how you feel. 

You feel seen, heard, and understood. And that’s exactly what many successful businesses have mastered—the art of individualism.

When you understand your customer’s needs and preferences, you can create products and services that cater to them. Let’s take that coffee shop example again. 

If the barista knows that a customer loves strawberry cupcakes, they can offer it with their hot chocolate, making the customer feel like they’re getting a special treat. This is exactly what we call personalised content—using content to make your customers feel like they’re being spoken to directly.

Online, personalised content is key to building strong relationships with your audience. And today, we’re going to explore how you can create shareable, personalised content that resonates with your customers.

What is shareable personalised content?

Personalised content is customised content tailored to a specific individual or group of people. This means that the content is created based on their interests, preferences, behaviours, or demographics. 

For example, let’s say you’re an online fashion retailer, and you have a customer who has previously purchased a specific type of clothing (e.g., women’s dresses). You can create personalised content by sending them a promotional email with a special offer on dresses, featuring similar styles they’ve shown interest in before. 

This approach shows that you understand their interests and are willing to provide them with content that’s relevant to their needs.

But what makes your content shareable? Shareable content is a type of personalised content that is designed to be shared with others. This type of content is not only tailored to an individual’s interests but also encourages them to share it with their friends, family, or followers on social media.

To bring this to life, let’s take a look at a fantastic example—the annual Spotify Wrapped campaign. Each year, Spotify presents its users with a personalised summary of their listening habits, showcasing the songs, artists, and podcasts they loved over the years. 

Users feel an emotional connection to their Spotify Wrapped, and you better believe they’re sharing it all over social media!

Source: Shopify newsroom

By allowing users to see their music preferences in a fun and visually appealing way, Spotify not only brings joy to their users but also boosts their brand visibility as everyone shares their personalised social media content.

Importance of creating shareable personalized content

Creating shareable personalised content is essential because it:

  • Increases engagement: When people receive personalised content that’s relevant to their interests, they’re more likely to engage with it (e.g., likes, comments, shares).
  • Boosts brand awareness: Shareable social media posts help spread the word about your brand and products, increasing visibility and credibility.
  • Drives conversions: By targeting specific individuals with personalised offers, you’re more likely to drive conversions (e.g., sales and sign-ups).
  • Builds loyalty: When customers feel valued and understood through personalised content, they’re more likely to become loyal customers and advocates for your brand.

Strategies for creating shareable content

Now, here’s how you can generate your own shareable content strategies piece just like Spotify:

Understand your audience

Before you can create content that resonates, you need to know who your audience is. Use social media analytics tools to gauge demographics, interests, and behaviours. This information will help you understand what type of content to create. Remember, the more you know, the better you can tailor your message.

Use data-driven insights

Check out tools like Google Analytics to collect behavioural data. What’s resonating with your audience? Which posts are getting the most engagement? Use this information to inform your content strategy as you create engaging personalised posts.

Create interactive content

When was the last time you took a quiz on social media? Probably recently! Quizzes, polls, and interactive infographics not only engage users but also offer them something personal based on their input. 

This type of custom content creation invites users to be part of the experience, which can spark shares, comments, and interactions.

Use user-generated content (UGC)

Encourage feedback from your audience! Ask them to share their experiences with your product or service, or feature testimonials in your marketing. 

Highlighting user content extends a more personal touch and builds trust. Plus, people love to see themselves in the spotlight!

Experiment with visuals and formats

Visual content is the heartbeat of social media. Be it engaging infographics, videos, or GIFs, these elements are crucial in grabbing attention. 

When creating content tailored for sharing, focus on how your visuals can reflect your brand personality while remaining relatable to your audience.

Personalise the experience

Take a page from Netflix’s playbook—when users log in, they see recommendations based on prior viewing habits. This seamless experience can be translated into social media marketing

Use retargeting ads or personalised email follow-ups based on previous interactions to create a sense of familiarity. It’s all about weaving personalized marketing content into every aspect of the user experience.

How to customize your content 

To carve out your own space in your audience’s feed, you don’t need an enormous marketing budget. Here are some content customisation techniques to get you started:

#1: Segment your audience.

Break your audience into smaller groups based on shared characteristics. This allows for crafting targeted messages that feel more personal. 

For example, your catering business could create special offers for newlyweds versus students planning a graduation party. 

#2: Dynamic content

Implement dynamic content on your website or email newsletters. This technique allows you to display different content to different users based on their behaviour. 

For example, if a user has interacted with your brand previously, show them products they’ve shown interest in.

#3: Personal touch in communication

Use a friendly tone and personalised approaches in your communication. Rather than standard templates, inject some personality into your social posts and emails. 

A simple “Hey, [Name]! We thought you’d love this!” will go a long way.


Engaging personalised content ideas

Now, you’re probably wondering about actual ideas you can implement right away. Here are a few user-specific content ideas to spark your creativity:

  • Interactive quizzes related to your products/services.
  • Visual polls ask audiences to choose their favourite selections.
  • Personalised emails with recommended products based on a user’s previous interactions.
  • Shareable graphics whose content is tailored for specific user segments.

In summary: embrace personalisation!

Creating shareable personalised content is not just a trend; it’s the future of effective marketing. Whether you’re a social media manager or a small business owner, the importance of knowing and understanding your audience cannot be overstated. 

By incorporating social media personalization techniques in your content marketing strategies, you can enhance user engagement and foster brand loyalty. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the treasure trove of insights about your audience and unleash your creativity!