Your business has been operating for years, you have got lots of happy clients, and you’re on the lookout for the best testimonial examples to demonstrate their satisfaction with your services. 

If this is you, look no further. But first, we’ll need to learn what client testimonials are, how to write a testimonial, and how to ask for it.

mobile phone and testimonials
Created by Freepik

What are client testimonials?

Testimonials are the written statements of clients about your products or services. Nowadays, business owners and advertisers use customer testimonials as an effective marketing tool to promote their businesses. 

For example, you probably encounter celebrity testimonials, and recently influencer testimonials almost every day. So, testimonials are quite useful tools to attract potential customers.

The benefits of customer testimonials

As a valuable marketing tool, testimonials may contribute to your business a lot. Their use cases tremendously differ depending on your business field and other conditions. We’ve compiled a few widespread benefits of client testimonials down below.


In most cases, customer testimonials are highly cost-effective marketing tools. Most of the clients demonstrate their satisfaction with the product or service for free to support their lovely brand.

You may observe these kinds of testimonials as product review posts or videos. Having the use of these free testimonials is indeed helpful to keep your advertising costs down.


Client testimonials are incredibly relatable as they are coming from people. Therefore, companies’ potential customers find it easy to empathise with testimonial writers. So this is one of the easiest ways to connect your brand with your target audience.

Review survey charts

What are the best testimonial examples?

If you’ve been reading till now, you already have an idea of what client testimonials are and why they are beneficial. Then we can now continue with providing the best testimonial examples. They can have various forms, such as:

Now, let’s dive into each separately to learn more.

Social Media Posts

Social media is an inseparable part of our lives. And as a testimonial, we can benefit from Instagram or Facebook by taking influencer posts’ screenshots about our specific product. 

No one will ever question the reliability of these screenshots, as there is the possibility of seeing these posts by following the appropriate link.

Social media posts are great examples of customer testimonials, as they show reliable and trustworthy opinions of others or influencers about your products. Make sure to use them properly to boost your brand image and reputation.

facebook review testimonial

Blog Post Reviews

Although social media is a shortcut to have a quick idea about the products, there’re other options to understand them in detail. 

Yes, we’re talking about using blog post reviews as client testimonials. It’s an easy process to follow. All you need is just asking a blogger to write a blog post about your product and its reliability. 

Believe it or not, a considerable part of your prospective customers look forward to receiving sincere thoughts of other people right before purchasing. And in this stage, blog post reviews may positively affect their decision-making process.

computers on the table


This might seem a little outdated, but believe me, interviews always work. They can be great testimonial examples as they help to demonstrate a detailed picture of customer satisfaction about your products or services. 

To have an effective interview, make sure to find the relevant and up-to-point questions to ask your customers.

Here are a few examples to help you kickstart:

  • What did you like about the product most?
  • What are the main benefits you have received from this product?
  • Would you recommend it to your friends?

two women interviewing

Video Testimonials

What is better than reading a review is watching it. And people love to watch the reviews of the products they’re planning to get. 

Video testimonials are, therefore, beneficial in marketing your product. They specifically target the lower end of the sales funnel and help you surge the conversion rates. 

Recent years have shown us that video content is the new trend. Videos are also on the rise as social media platforms adjust their algorithms to give videos priority over other types of content.

It’s much more compelling to hear a voice talking satisfyingly about a product. This makes the information seem a bit more trustworthy and reliable in the eyes of your prospective customers.

a women talking to the camer

Peer Reviews

People are easy to understand. All they do is to imitate what others are doing-especially, their surroundings, more precisely, their peers. 

They tend to purchase the products their peers are recommending or merely using. There’re tons of internet websites to read these kinds of peer reviews. Therefore, we believe it’s one of the most potent testimonial examples out there.

a smartphone with a review on screen

Press Reviews

These are one of the basic examples of client testimonials on the market. People love and believe the information they receive from experts. 

Press reviews are, therefore, more reliable in the eyes of your customers. For instance, if you’d like to open a cafe, you’d try to get a review of experts in a cafe business in that area. 

Researching and trying to find the most suitable testimonial examples for you is crucial. But your job doesn’t end there. 

Now it’s time to figure out how to write a testimonial and how to ask for one.

newspaper press review

How to ask for a testimonial

Of course, you probably have lots of happy clients providing testimonials on your products or services for free. You may even be receiving tens of them every day. 

However, getting testimonials from serious and larger clients usually requires your action. Yes, right! You need to ask for testimonials. How?

There’re too many ways of asking for customer testimonials:

  • Emails: You can send out emails to your past and current customers, and ask for a review of your product. If they’re satisfied with your product, there’s a good chance that you’ll quickly get positive feedback.
  • Postal Mails: Yes! They may be traditional, but they’re not outdated. You’ll be fascinated by the number of excellent testimonials you receive from sending these postal mails.
  • Call: You may have a quick phone call with your customers and receive sincere feedback. So, be brave!
  • Survey: Be careful of being boring here. The more attractive your survey is, the more feedback it’ll get you.
  • Video Conference: Even braver than phone calls are, of course, video calls. You may have a short video conference with your client and record their thoughts on your product.
Email testimonial request
Image by TrustPulse

How to write a testimonial

Writing a testimonial can be a form of art. You should consider several steps when you decide to do it:

  • Identify a story to tell
  • Have topic-based questions
  • Keep it easy
  • Provide customer’s name and details

Follow everything you learned today about testimonial examples and start applying them in practice to see outstanding results.