Social media content length has always been a topic of debate. Short-form videos between 5 and 9 seconds reigned supreme for years, delivering quick bursts of information in bite-sized chunks. 

But the tides are changing, and long-form video trends are returning. As a brand, you may wonder why this shift is happening. And how you can take advantage of extended video content and make a successful video strategy. 

This article will explore why long-form content is making a comeback on social media and equip you with practical strategies to craft engaging long videos that resonate with your audience.

What is Long-Form Content? 

Long-form content refers to content that is longer in length and provides more in-depth information, analysis, or storytelling compared to short-form content. 

Long content can take many forms, including:

  • 2,500–7,500-word blog post.
  • A video series that’s 10 minutes or longer.
  • A podcast episode that’s 30 minutes or more.
  • A comprehensive e-book that’s hundreds of pages.

Some examples of popular social media long-form content formats include:

  • YouTube long-form content (10-60 minutes)
  • Instagram long videos (up to 60 seconds)
  • TikTok videos (up to 60 seconds)
  • Podcasts (30 minutes to several hours)
  • Blog posts (1,000-5,000 words)
  • LinkedIn articles (500-2,000 words)

Benefits of long-form content

Now, you might be wondering what kind of benefits fall under the long-form category. Well, here are some.

  • Long-form content can cover complex topics well. It gives readers a deep understanding of the subject.
  • Longer content is more likely to rank higher in search results. This is because it has more keywords and is more relevant.
  • Long-form content helps establish a connection with your audience by providing value and insights they can’t find elsewhere.
  • Long-form content can lead to higher conversion rates because it provides a deeper understanding of your product or service to your consumers.
Why is Long-Form Content Dominating Major Social Media Platforms?

You may have noticed that social media platforms, like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, are shifting their attention to longer content. 

While surprising, especially considering the meteoric rise of short-form video platforms like TikTok, here are a few reasons this is happening: 

  • The rise of podcasts and audiobooks: 

The success of podcasts and audiobooks has shown that people are willing to invest time in listening to longer, more immersive content. This shift has influenced other formats, like articles, videos, and blog posts, to adopt longer content.

  • Audience crave authenticity: 

Long-form content can provide a sense of authenticity and trustworthiness. When you take the time to develop your ideas thoroughly, your audience will feel more connected to the story and its author.

  • Audience craves quality and quantity

In an era where long video algorithms prioritize quantity over quality, long-form content offers a refreshing change. This is a chance for creators to focus on crafting high-quality, well-researched, and thoughtful pieces that resonate with audiences. 

  1. Google loves it too

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), Google rewards long-form content. The more detailed and informative your content is, the higher it’ll rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). This means more visibility for your business and increased organic traffic.

  • Immersive storytelling: 

Long-form content allows creators to craft compelling narratives that capture attention and emotional resonance. This is particularly effective for brands looking to build connections with their audience.

For example, a popular TikTok creator named Ressa Teesa made a 50-part video series called “Who the F Did I Marry?” Each video was 10 minutes long. 

The series got millions of views, and each video was engaging because it told a longer story.

Long Video Content Strategy for Your Brands

As a social media manager, you’re certainly aware that video content can significantly increase engagement with your audience on social media. However, developing long-form video content can be a challenging task. That’s why you’ll need a good plan to make the most of it. 

So, how can you develop long-form video content that connects with your target audience? 

Here are the best strategies to get you started:

  • Define Your Goal: What do you want to achieve with your long-form video content? Do you want to educate your audience? Entertain them? Or is there something you want to sell them?
  • Tell a compelling story. People love stories. So, make sure your long-form video has a clear narrative that keeps your audience engaged. 
  • Choose your platform: Decide which platform(s) you’ll be using for your long-form videos. 
  • Script and plan: Write a script and plan out your video. Make sure it’s engaging and well-structured.
  • Create high-quality visuals: Use high-quality visuals, whether it’s animations or graphics.
  • Edit and optimize: Let’s face it, poor editing can make even the best content look bad. So, take your time to edit your video. Also, optimize it for search by adding relevant keywords, tags, and descriptions. Also, cut out any unnecessary parts. Add captions or subtitles. Use music or sound effects to improve the experience.
  • Repurpose your content: Don’t let all that hard work go to waste! Turn your long-form video into short clips for social media, email, or blog posts.
  • Promote your video: Share your video on social media and in email newsletters. Use other channels to get more eyes on it.

Ideas for long-form content 

Here are some long-form video trend ideas to get you started:

  • “A Day in the Life” vlogs.
  • Tutorials or educational series.
  • Product demos or reviews.
  • A video about your customers’ testimonials.
  • Behind-the-scenes content.
  • An ad video promoting your product and brand.
  • Q&A sessions or interviews.
  • Webinars or workshops.

In conclusion, what should brands do?

The resurgence of long-form content is a significant shift in the digital landscape, and brands must adapt to stay relevant. 

With TikTok video duration increasing to 10 minutes and other platforms following suit, it’s clear that audiences are craving more in-depth video content.

So, to capitalize on this trend, brands should: 

  • Strike a balance between short-form and long-form video content.
  • Identify the audience’s needs and preferences and craft fitting content.
  • Use short-form videos for promotion, such as teasers or summaries and reserve long-form content for in-depth explanations or educational material.
  • Use user-generated content (UGC) and influencer partnerships to create real and diverse long-form content.

Incorporate all these into your marketing strategy, sit back, and watch your brand thrive.