As one of the most popular social media platforms, Instagram has become a hub for sharing your daily lives, engaging with others, and even developing your businesses. 

But, with ever-changing algorithms and immense competition for attention, it’s little wonder that some users are using Instagram pods to promote their posts. 

So, in this blog, we’ll look into Instagram follow for follow groups, how they function, and whether they’re a good fit for your brand.

What are IG pods?

As a small brand with little to no engagement on your Instagram posts, the ideal option is to join Instagram engagement groups, commonly known as pods!

An engagement pod is a community of like-minded people who gather to support and interact with each other’s Instagram posts. 

But before you head out to find the nearest pod to join, you should know a few things. To begin with, engagement pods are classified into three types: 

  • Instagram like groups: These groups are primarily meant for liking. 
  • Comment-only Pods: These groups are solely for commenting. 
  • Like and comment groups: These groups are precisely what the name suggests. 
  • Follow for follow groups: Members follow each other’s accounts, thereby boosting their overall number of followers.
  • ‘Dx’ groups: These groups are commonly identified with a number, such as ‘Dx20’ or ‘Dx10’. What exactly does that mean? It means that in the group, you must comment on and like the most recent links posted by your fellow members. 

  • Time-limit group: These pods are tagged with time limits, such as ’24HR’, to indicate when members can drop their links or profile handles and engage with each other’s posts. 
  • Post notification groups: These pods are often DM chats where users must enable post notifications for all members. As a result, anytime a person posts something, everyone in the conversation receives a notification.

However, joining an engagement pod is more complex than clicking a button and being added to the group. Some pods require payment, while others impose severe membership requirements. 

What are the benefits of Instagram pods? 

For starters, joining Instagram hype groups can help you get comments on Instagram free. This means you won’t have to pay for expensive promotions or shoutouts. 

Furthermore, engagement pods can significantly improve your Instagram account visibility and promote a sense of friendship and support among Instagram users. 

These pods are also an excellent way to meet and cooperate with other creators in your field. Moreover, being a member of an engagement group ensures that you have a group of people who can provide you with honest and constructive criticism of your content. 

Where can you find IG pods? 

Did you know there are several sites where you can find Instagram engagement pods? If you didn’t, check out the following platforms where you can discover pods.

Telegram engagement groups:

Telegram is a multifunctional messaging service that allows users to join group chats and engage on a variety of topics. So, it’s unsurprising that Instagram engagement pods have found a home on this platform. 

Instagram DM groups:

This kind of pod only works on Instagram’s direct messaging system. Members share their most recent posts with the group, and others react by engaging with them. 

Facebook Pods:

While Instagram is the primary medium for engagement pods, some groups run on Facebook. These groups work similarly to other engagement pods, with members swapping engagement on one another’s Instagram posts. This form of pod is less frequent, but it can still be a helpful element in your Instagram growth strategy.

Reddit Pods:

Reddit is an unusual medium for engagement pods. Moreover, specific subreddits serve as engagement pods, where users post content and receive feedback from other users. 

How to join an engagement pod?

Most Instagram gain group chats are private or secret, making gaining access even more difficult. But don’t be discouraged. The key to joining IG pods is to be persistent and follow these tips: 


One technique to join an IG engagement group is to message a highly engaged account in your niche. These accounts are more likely to be part of an engagement group and may be willing to accept new members. 

So, be nice and avoid bombarding them with many texts, and if you’re lucky, you’ll be accepted into their Instagram’s DM group.

Social media pod search

If you’re feeling adventurous, try your luck on other sites such as Facebook, Telegram, Reddit, or even Instagram and search for existing pods. To identify relevant posts or accounts, search using hashtags like #engagementpod or #instagrampod. When you find it, click join.

However, bear in mind that some of these groups may require you to send a request or answer a few questions to be accepted, so read the group rules and follow them correctly.

After joining active pods, the next step is to assess them to see whether they’re worth staying in. So, a few factors must be considered when analysing a potential pod. 

  • The group size: A giant pod may increase participation but also contribute to a need for more authenticity. So, aim for a moderate-sized group where everyone can engage with each other’s content.
  • Examine the pod’s activity level: It is essential to periodically monitor the pod’s activity level to verify that all members are actively engaged. If you notice that many members need to engage more with the rest of the group, it is best to leave. 

However, if you need help finding the right Instagram pod for your brand, why not make your own? By inviting people with similar interests to form a pod, you can build a supportive group and reach new heights on the site.

Links to some well-known IG secret clubs 

Well, to make your work less stressful, here are some common engagement groups to check out: 

 Facebook pods

Telegram pods

Instagram pods 

WhatsApp pods

However, several paid Instagram engagement groups will ensure a return on your investment. This means you’ll receive what you paid for. 

So, you will receive the best results if you subscribe to any of the following engagement services.

Wrapping Up: Use effective social media strategies! 

Using Instagram Follow for follow groups can significantly increase your post engagement and help you reach a larger audience. However, it’s vital to understand that more than simply joining a pod is needed to get new followers.

You will still need a well-rounded strategy that produces high-quality content, uses relevant hashtags, and constantly connects with your followers. 

So, join those pods, but remember to include other effective social media strategies. Moreover, read this blog post to know how to grow your IG account organically.