You come across influencers all the time on social media. Some of them are on luxurious boats promising that they will help you build a multi-millionaire company out of nowhere.
And that in 6 months you’ll have everything you’ve dreamed of.
Most importantly, you will travel 24/7 while you party. And somewhat you will run that mighty online empire (from a laptop and a martini) with incredibly fast results.
Isn’t there a lot of fantasy to it?
Maybe your stereotypical idea of being an influencer goes something like this:
- having an overnight success
- doing whatever you please whenever you want to
- having no schedules at all
- seeing things on the fly to organise your business
- brands beg you to promote their awesome clothes, top class jewellery, exotic trips abroad, and the latest tech is in your hands
I think you should think twice.
Being able to live on the very online project you created from scratch requires a lot of discipline, planning, struggle, and of course, the courage to live from what you love!
And in my humble opinion, magnificent communication skills.
The transition from traditional to online jobs is a process that follows logical steps which just can’t happen overnight if you’re thinking long-term.
So today, I’m gonna share with you some of the motivational and honest words of a young Argentine influencer —Flo Pereira— who’s been running her own blog about fashion, travel, and beauty for several years now.
She was successfully able to turn what started like a hobby into a full time online business.
Her rocking content totally proves that she’s an inspiring example of hard work, discipline, and the design of an exciting lifestyle based on authentic passions. (And New York City, THE place to be in the loop for fashionistas.)
So, if you haven’t given your passions a go yet, maybe after reading this interview you finally decide to jumpstart that side hustle.
1. Entrepreneuring means to you…
But it also means loving what you do and sometimes having the freedom to set up your own schedule and way of working, which is kind of great!
2. What’s your opinion of fashion as a way to express yourself?
Fashion is a way of showing who you are and how you are feeling every single day, when you choose what you wanna wear to face the world.
3. What was the most difficult aspect of starting your own business?
Taking the leap, believing in yourself, and what you do and what you are able to create is really tough, especially if you don’t have a lot of support from family and friends.
Once your mind is in the right place, you just need to be organized, since there is not going to be anyone around to tell you what to do or when or how.
4. What do you think is and will be the impact of technology in human bonds?
I think the impacting of technology in human bonds is entirely up to us: it can bring us together or draw us apart.
It’s technology what enables me to connect with people from all around the world every day, what helps me stay in touch with family and friends when I’m abroad, and what has helped my business grow and develop.
5. Tell us about your entrepreneuring style!
I just try to trust my guts, to work hard, and listen to my audience, they really help me out when I’m feeling uninspired or unsure about what content to create.
I’ll share with you my favorite takeaways from this conversation:
- Trust your guts to run a business
- Work hard—but plan first
- Follow a schedule (even though it’s not conventional)
- Be authentic—people will totally tell if you´re on character and not being yourself, even in the online arena
Knowing and understanding what your audience needs is no easy task when you have to wear multiple entrepreneurial hats.
It requires a lot of in-depth marketing analysis to be able to curate and create the exact content that’ll get their full attention.
In the plethora of information we’re living in, it’s impossible to give all these marketing tasks to inexperienced staff and expect to see tangible results.
On the other hand, most of the digital marketing agencies you will contact will attempt to charge you a fortune.
So, how can you keep your social media alive and stay relevant to your followers without having to watch your finances go to the dogs?
By hiring 50 Pound Social UK. Get rid of mediocre social media marketing.
There are three featured plans that you can check out here.
From only £50 to £475 per month you’ll get the perfect fit for your business stage.
Do you need to start a blog?
The solution is straightforward. 50 Pound Social will take over your business blog, come up with content ideas, add stock photos and publish directly.
The pricing is simple. Check monthly prices for premium blog management here. Just choose how long you want your blog posts to be and the frequency.
Last but not least, do you happen to run a beauty salon? Here’s the ultimate social media management solution specifically crafted for your business.
Embrace the power of social media and see how your business grows.