Email is definitely second to none when we want to apply super powerful tools to our online marketing arsenal. Everybody’s still checking their emails at least once a day. It seems like there’s a long life expectancy for the fast-paced digital inbox.
So, you better learn how to quickly level up your writing game now, right? Or should I say, write?
I’ll just cut to the chase now.
Today I’ll be happily sharing with you these 7 very special email marketing tools that you can’t overlook anymore. In fact, you can (and you ought to) start trying them instantly!
Begin the refining process of your e-mail efforts today, right after reading this article:
1. Seriously embrace minimalism
Please. In order to be successful, an e-mail has to be short, clear, and to the point. It’s also advisable to link a couple of social network profiles to your email signature. Like your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter accounts.
Or all of them together, if you happen to be big on social networks.
You’ll see how that kind of small details will significantly increase the opening rate of your email attempts.
(Sadly, most emails are never opened.)
Certain seasoned writers like Ed Gandia say that an email needs to have a length of 9 words when you’re pitching to potential clients.
But we know that sometimes it’s difficult to keep it so brief.
Nonetheless, regarding the body of an email, you can always think Scandinavian furniture.
And what’s that?
A “less is more” mindset. Fewer words to say that same thing you could be saying in more words. But you won’t.
Cause we all know how time is money.
2. Choose Wednesday for cold pitching
If you want to reach out to someone for the first time (like when you cold pitch) Wednesday is certainly your email day.
After intensely analysing 12 million emails back and forth – and super in-depth, Brian Dean (SEO expert and growth hacker) discovered that it’s Wednesday that works best.
Now you’re going to start realising that next Wednesday you’ll actually be receiving more emails than on Tuesday or Friday.
And hopefully, you’ll remember this post.
And, in case you want to know, your last choice of day (according to Brian, too) is Saturday.
3. You better craft the subject line well (or regret it later)
Oh, how I absolutely adore the subject line. The subject line is the first thing we see in our inbox. Better said, it’s the only thing we see before opening an email.
It’s an invitation to feed curiosity or to say “next”. You know the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover?” Well, it doesn’t apply to subject lines.
We happen to judge the e-mail by the subject line.
So, I don’t need to tell you that the subject line is by far the most important ingredient of a mouthwatering e-mail marketing mix.
In fact, a sound subject line is what determines the opening chances – and the actual reading of your e-mail. Or its journey to the bin.
I know that you already put your heart into the body first (and that it took you a lot of time) and maybe, you threw a subject line at the very end of the task (because you wanted to get over with it or you needed to switch to another activity.)
If this is your natural tendency, do the opposite. So next e-mail, take your time to think about the subject line first and focus deeply on it before writing. Assign a considerable amount of time to write the subject line of your e-mails.
Then – and only then – craft the body.
Personal recommendation: do handwriting brainstorming for important e-mail subject lines.
4. Do proper follow-up
You hit the send button with a big grin on your face more than once. As you’re such a fast learner, you remembered to send it on Wednesday.
The prospect actually read your proposal (and even answered it quickly!)
You’re smiling even more now. However, there’s no deal yet. It looks like they still have some things to consider before hiring your service or buying your products.
How can you fix it? Just take a deep breath, wait, and follow up accordingly.
But how? How much time should I wait?
Each case is different but, I think fifteen days is a proper waiting time to consider reconnecting. Because maybe a week shows too much anxiety on your front, but a month is probably too much.
5. Personalise the subject line:
The biggest e-mail marketing mistake is not to personalise enough. It’s quite easy to fix, yet it takes more time. Don’t go copying and pasting templates for everyone.
You can use a general plan and some guidelines for inspiration, sure. But please, avoid replacing one name for another and just hitting the send button.
E-mail marketing tools are awesome if you have a superb contact segmentation process done. Otherwise, it’s better to take your time with fewer clients to show that you really care in the written form.
Each person is different. And we can all tell if the sender has paid attention or done their homework before writing to us, the recipient.
Especially if we’re talking about business communications (and of course, we always talk business here).
6. Diversify outreach:
Did you know that it’s a better idea to contact up to five people working for the same company instead of only one?
The rate of success when you outreach in this fashion significantly rises. However, you shouldn’t contact the whole company. They may think you’re stalking them.
But, how to find people working for the same brand, especially if you want to connect with employees from specific positions and departments?
On LinkedIn, of course! By making proper use of filters. Here we see a copywriter’s true story. Lindy Alexander used (and shared) an interesting technique to find freelance writing jobs on LinkedIn.
Item number 2 clearly reveals her exact strategy, step by step. You’ll just have to think about what applies as doable LinkedIn steps to your industry or niche.
But I promise Lindy walks you kindly through the whole process. And it’ll be easy to transfer that to your particular case.
7. Select topics wisely:
There’s some harsh e-mail reality to face here. Subject lines concerning infographics, guest posting opportunities and roundups are more likely to be opened than topics other than those.
So, if you have different issues to discuss by e-mail, you better get super short and sweet, and creative above all!
All in all:
Comment below. Did you know any of there tricks? What’s your favorite e-mail hack?